Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 page!

Please click on the links below to look at the various areas of revision to assist you in year SATS.

Throughout Year Six, various accolades will be awarded to children who have really impressed us. These include:

  • Postcards of Excellence which get posted home outlining the achievement.
  • Year Six Superstars who receive a badge and take part in Hall’s Happy Hour which involves baking cupcakes to take home.    

Homework booklets have been sent home with the children. This is a geography/general knowledge based project that we are sure the children will enjoy. Please can the children complete the activities on a weekly basis and then bring the booklet back as they complete each task. Raffle tickets will be awarded for exceptional effort. These are drawn half-termly for a £5 WH Smith gift voucher.

MyMaths homework will be set on a Tuesday and will be due in the following Tuesday. As this is a core curriculum subject this is a compulsory task.

Many thanks for your cooperation

Transfer to Secondary School September 2025

Click on the buttons below to find information and guidance related to Secondary School Transfer.

Please note the final deadline for high school applications is 31th October 2024

Key Stage 2 Tests Past Papers

Past SATs papers are a useful resource to revise on the topics that may come up in the tests this year. This link will take you to the tests that have been sat in the past, and the guidance that is given to the national markers.