Breakfast Club
Orchards Junior School provide a daily Breakfast Club between the hours of 7:30am and 8:30am every weekday morning except Bank Holidays, School Holidays and Inset days.
The children are offered a choice of cereal, toast with spreads and a choice of drink, fruit juice, milk or water and need to be in school by 8:00am at the latest to give them chance to eat their breakfast. They are fully supervised during this time and are able to participate in various fun activities and games that are on offer.
The cost is £3.50 per day payable a week in advance to ensure your child has a place and to help the school to plan appropriate provisions.
Breakfast Club can be booked and paid for using the Parent Portal on Arbor. The Arbor app can be downloaded from the app store.
Should you require further information on this provision, then please contact us in the usual way, either
Telephone the school on 01903 520202 or
Email: enquiries@orchardsjunior.school