Latest News

Netball Champions of Worthing

Congratulations to our Year 6 Netballers who are Champions of Worthing Schools!

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West Sussex Albion Cup Champions

An amazing performance by our Year 3 and 4 Girls Football squad means that they have qualified for the whole of Sussex County Albion Cup Finals

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What we do


Turn that frown upside down! Start every day with a smile!

Pay Attention

Focus on what you’re doing and you’ll do it better!

Ask Questions

By asking more questions we find out more answers!

React Positively

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Keep Trying

Winners never quit and quitters never win!

Love Learning

Create a thirst for knowledge and drink all you want!

Enjoy School

Work Hard, Have Fun!

What Our Pupils and Parents Say

I had a fantastic time on our school trip to Disneyland. It was the best thing I've ever done


( Year 5 )

“There is a high standard of teaching and management of the school. We are particularly pleased with the manner in which the teachers make learning fun and interesting.”

Mr S.

( Year 4 Parent )

Being part of the school street dance troupe which won the national title was amazing. I love it.


( Year 5 )

“I am so pleased with the progress my son has made, he feels totally at ease and confident at school.”

Mr B.

( Year 5 Parent )

The Orchards is a great school as there are so many things to do after school like dancing, sports, drama and clubs


( Year 4 )

“We have no doubt our son will continue to thrive in what can only be described as a very happy learning environment.”

Mrs C.

( Year 4 Parent )