Author Archives: Ian Chilvers

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Year 3 and 4 Girls Football

Our Years 3 and 4 Girls football team enjoyed a great day out at Lancing FC with Team 1 successfully progressing through to the next round of the Albion Cup which will be played at the Brighton and Hove Albion Centre of Excellence.

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Houses of Parliament Visit

On Monday 10th February, a very excited group of children (and adults!) visited the Houses of Parliament. In year six we have been learning about the history of Parliament, how women got the vote and the role of Parliament today, and this visit was a fantastic opportunity to bring that learning to life.

We were lucky enough to have a tour of the Queen’s robing room, her chamber and the Houses of Lords and Commons. We even stood in the same spot as Barack Obama and Nelson Mandela have in the historic Westminster Hall.

The children were amazing and did us proud by answering questions and showing lots of interest and enthusiasm.

A great day was had by all! 

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Year 5 & 6 Twickenham Trip

The Year 5 and 6 rugby club enjoyed a great day out at the home of English Rugby – Twickenham Stadium.  The boys undertook a murder mystery activity that took them all around the stadium before spending an enjoyable and exhausting hour in the interactive museum. 

We were also lucky enough to meet top international referee Wayne Barnes who shared some great stories with us. 

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Hot Chocolate Sale raises £448 for Guild Care

Orchards Junior School has raised £448 for local charity Guild Care through a break time hot chocolate sale.

Organised by the school’s Year 6 Charity Club, the hot chocolate sale took place on Friday 22nd November and saw 530 drinks sold. Overall the club has raised £1,780 for the charity since it was started six years ago.

The school’s fundraising for Guild Care goes specifically towards the charity’s Fitzalan Howard Centre, which provides day and respite services for adults with disabilities and more complex needs. Fitzalan and the school have a close relationship, with clients and staff visiting annually for an assembly. The Charity Club was delighted to present the cheque for their hot chocolate fundraising to Sean McGuckin, who attends the centre.

Fiona McCarthy, Orchards Junior School’s Deputy Head, said: “We initially set up a charity club to raise awareness of fair trade, but over the years it has evolved into something much bigger than we ever imagined. The children who join are passionate about supporting people in need, both locally and across the world, and we are very proud of the generosity of our pupils and their families.

“The Fitzalan Howard Centre is very special to The Orchards; we love their annual visit and are delighted to raise funds to support their activities.”

Having a chat

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Year 3 Fairy Tale Day

To launch their new Fairy Tale topic in literacy, our year 3’s came to school dressed as their favourite character. They took parts in lots of arts and crafts activities, read fairytale books and even had a visit from a real Disney Princess!

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Orchards Triumph at Wolverhampton Wanderers

Orchards Junior School have won the National Premier League Primary Stars Football Tournament

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Orchards Junior School Awarded Primary Science Quality Mark

Primary Science Quality Marks have been awarded to 200 infant, junior, primary, middle and special schools to celebrate a commitment to excellence in science teaching and learning.  So far, since its national launch in 2010, over 3000 schools across the UK have achieved a prestigious Primary Science Quality Mark.

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Year 4 Winners of Worthing Schools Gym Competition

Congratulations go to our Year 4 Gymnastics team who came out tops in the Worthing Schools Gymnastics competition held here in school.

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Year 4 Football 6 A Side Winners

Congratulations to our Year 4 football team who won the Worthing Schools 6 a side tournament held at the Orchards

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Orchards JRock Winners!

Our JRockers have won the West Sussex heats of the Global Rock Challenge competition!

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