Author Archives: Ian Chilvers

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Orchards Girls Football Double Success

Our two girls football teams celebrated as they both reached the finals of the Worthing Schools Girls Football Festival

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Orchards Girls Football Success

Our Year 5 and 6 Girls football team were joint winners of the Girls Euro Competition

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Florence selected for Sussex Girls RTC

Congratulations to Florence, one of our year threes, who has been offered a place in the Sussex Girls RTC (regional talent club).

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Orchards Masterchef Final

Our annual Masterchef finalists blew away the judges with their incredible cooking

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Year 6 Trip to Paris Disney

Our Year 6’s had a fabulous time on their recent residential trip to France.

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Orchards Gold Award

Congratulations to Gracie Beatrice, Jack, Isaac, Eric and Aanya of 5 Clementine who were the first children in the school to get the prestigious Orchards Gold Award badge for Dojo Points.


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Girls Sussex Football Champions

Orchards Year 3 and 4 Girls Football Team triumphed in the Sussex Finals

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