Year 6 English – W/B 22nd June 2020

Any lessons or resources that require the use of YouTube or other social media platforms should be supervised by an adult.

English – 3 Lessons this week

Due to the Orangutan Discovery Days, we will only have three literacy lessons this week.

Over the next three lessons, you can watch the Globe Theatre’s 2013 production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, available to stream on YouTube until Sunday 28 June 2020.The original performance took place at the Globe Theatre, London, in summer 2013.

You can watch the Globe’s 90 minute production of Macbeth for free too! Now streaming on YouTube. The original performance in the video took place at the Globe Theatre in late February / early March 2020.

Create a cartoon strip synopsis of the story to show your understanding of the main themes and events of the story using the storyboard template.

Extension Activity

You should try to include figurative language including metaphors and similes, personification, alliteration etc.

Lesson 3

Use an internet search to look at the depictions of witches from past Macbeth productions and paintings.

Mrs McCarthy’s Top Tip: It might be helpful to search using terms such as ‘Male witches in Macbeth’, ‘Movie witches in Macbeth’, ‘Young witches in Macbeth’ and ‘Modern dress witches in Macbeth’

What age do they seem? How are they dressed? Are they male or female? Does this go against your expectations of what a ‘witch’ looks like?

Draw a picture of the three witches. Try to make each witch different to the next. One might be old and withered, the next might be young, one might be a male witch, etc. Use inspiration from the internet search earlier in the lesson.

Lesson 4

Think about the events that have taken place and the outcomes. How have the different characters behaved and why? What were the consequences of their actions? Was any one person more responsible for the death of King Duncan than another?

Watch the Animated Macbeth Tale (Approx. 25 minutes)

Think about the different versions that you have seen. How do they compare?

Lesson 5

Read through the witches spell. Can you see that it is a series of rhyming couplets? It is a very well-known Shakespeare passage.

Read the spell through again, this time looking at the different ingredients within the spell. Can you recognise a pattern in the lines that describe the ingredients? Yes, they are all 7 syllables.

You should now create your own spell using the same opening and closing couplets but create it with your own ingredients. Can you challenge yourself to follow the 7 syllable pattern?

Mrs McCarthy’s Top Tip: Try mind mapping some ideas first for the most disgusting ingredients you can think of.

Extension Activities

  • According to theatrical superstition, the play Macbeth is said to be cursed. Can you find out why? What other superstitions are there in the theatre?
  • With the comic strip you created in Lesson 1, can you write an extended written piece, retelling the encounter between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, using a combination of direct speech / inverted commas and reported speech? Use the ‘said’ clause at either the start or the end of the speaker’s speech or use interrupted speech, with the said clause in the middle of the speech. Can you include better words for said and use of adverbs of manner.