Our pupils can complete mathematics exercises at home or at school. Most maths homework will be set weekly and is completed online using MyMaths. They should all have login credentials for MyMaths but if they do not, please ask them to speak to their class teacher. They can reach the MyMaths website by clicking on the link below.

Orchards Junior School has a permanent subscription with Times Table Rockstars! This is a website that allows your children to practice their times tables in a safe environment where they can also challenge others within their class and across the school! This site has been used by local schools for some time now, and is also given high praise by The Guardian, TES, SIMS, OfSTED and the Department for Education. There is a wealth of material available and we are hoping this will help support the children in the learning of their times tables.
We will direct the children how to log on during their sessions at school so all that is left is to offer some support for the children at home. We must stress that this IS NOT COMPULSORY and your child will be set their homework as normal. We just wanted to offer something that may help with all areas of their mathematical understanding.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher. Below, you will find a link to both the Parent Handbook and also logging in instructions.