Author Archives: admin

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Welcome letter from Year 6!

Please find attached to the button in this post a letter from Mrs Hall that has information that may be useful for year 6 children and parents!

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New TouchScreens!

We are delighted with our new Clevertouch interactive boards that have been installed in every classroom! These screens will offer a richer learning experience for the children and give us an opportunity to explore the use of a wider variety of resources.

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First Day Update from Dr Jones

Please click this post to see an update from Dr Jones. This was last updated on 4th September.

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September Starting Arrangements

Please click this post to see the most up to date information related to the children returning to school on Friday 4th September. This was last updated on 1st September.

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Summer 2020 – Let’s Go Live!

Maddie & Greg are going to be streaming a LIVE episode on location every Saturday morning at 10am throughout the summer holiday – click the button below for a link to Maddie’s YouTube Channel, where there are plenty of other videos to keep you entertained and learning too!

Our Home Learning Menu will remain live until September and a final week of Picture News resources were added on Friday 17th July. Best wishes to you all.

Any lessons or resources that require the use of YouTube or other social media platforms should be supervised by an adult.

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See our Orchards Junior School Masterchef page for a special message from BBC Masterchef Champion 2016 Jane Devonshire!

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Important message attached from Dr Jones – 24TH JUNE 2020

Please click on this post to view a message from Dr Jones. Click on the document and it will open in a new window for you.

Message Uploaded – 24th June 2020

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National Bike Week!

Held in June each year, Bike Week is an event which seeks to raise awareness of the benefits of cycling and aims to get people on their bikes.

According to its organisers Cycling UK, Bike Week is ‘an annual opportunity to promote cycling and show how cycling can easily be part of everyday life’ —-

This year, due to the unforeseen circumstances, Bike Week will still take place between the 6th – 14th June, but will focus most of its efforts online.

How is Bike Week celebrated?

In towns and cities across the country, Bike Week offers the chance for people to come out and get riding, with community groups, cycling charities and local authorities combining to run fun events based on cycling. 

Social media is also utilised to raise awareness, with the campaign #7daysofcycling being used this year to encourage people to get out and about on their bikes every day during Bike Week. 

Last year, 5,000 people took part in Bike Week.

What are the benefits of cycling? 

Some of the many benefits of cycling include:

  • Improved cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength.
  • More likelihood of boosting immunity from certain diseases. 
  • Better mental wellbeing.
  • Decreased carbon footprint. 
  • Less noise pollution.

See the links below for some resources!