Author Archives: Ian Chilvers

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After School Clubs Week Commencing 19th March

The following after school clubs are not taking place this week:
Singing For Fun (Tuesday)
Story Writing Club (Tuesday)
Musical Theatre (Thursday)
Please note that there will be NO after school clubs during week commencing 26th March leading up to the Easter Holidays.

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Sports Relief 2018

Next week during Parent Consultation Days we will be taking part in a sponsored event for Sports Relief. The children have been given sponsor forms to take home to collect as much money they can. Wristbands will be on sale in school from Monday 12th March. They cost £1 and are available to buy from the school office. Thank you for your support.

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School Clubs Week Commencing 5th March

Kindly note that due to matches, tournaments and auditions, the following after school clubs are being cancelled just for this week.
Tuesday Year 4 and 5 Netball Club – off
Wednesday Year 6 Football Club – off
Wednesday Year 6 Netball Club – off

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Friday 2nd March

School is open as normal today but all after school clubs have been cancelled. All children are to be collected at 2:45 this afternoon please.

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Year 5 Elvis Show Rearranged!!

The Year 5 Elvis Show has been rearranged for the evening of Tuesday March 6th at 6:30pm. All tickets are still valid and hot dogs and refreshments will be on sale during the evening. A letter confirming the details will be sent home with the children today – Friday 2nd March

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Thursday 1st March – All Clubs Are Off!

In light of the weather, we have taken the decision to cancel all after school clubs and the book fair today. Please could all the children be collected at 2.45pm.Field Place Infants are closing at 1pm this afternoon and so if any parents have children at both schools then they may collect from Orchards at the same time. Thank you – Orchards Junior School

A snowflake, created in the lab and photographed by CalTech physics professor Kenneth G. Libbrecht. (Courtesy of Kenneth G. Libbrecht)

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Thursday 1st March School is Open

Orchards Junior School is opening as normal this morning. If the weather significantly changes during the course of the day that may affect our operating, we will inform parents by text, website and App notices.

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Year 5 Elvis Day

Year 5 had a day of celebration and learning about Elvis Presley

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Year 6 Inter Club Netball Tournament

3 teams of Year 6 netballers entered into a three way competition, in which each team won a game – the result was decided on goal difference.

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